Solve the Challenge of In-Vehicle Entertainment with 3Ready in Berlin 

Join Us at CAR HMI Europe:
Witness a live demonstration in our demo car at the venue and explore the possibilities 3Ready can offer you:

  • Transform entertainment with customizable platform solution
  • Personalized content recommendations meet vehicle APIs for seamless ride
  • Stay in control with White-Box approach
  • Monetize effortlessly with 3Ready-enabled revenue streams

Meet our team in Berlin:

Ellipse 29-4

Robert Glas

Director Automotive Tech

Ellipse 42 (1)

Tomasz Dzikowski

Product Manager

Ellipse 44

Susana Hidalgo

Marketing Manager

Transform and grow your TV business

Seamless and personalized experiences
across all screens.
Learn How

Engage with unique video entertainment

Stand out with your brand experience and provide personalized content people love.
Learn How
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Together we make entertainment simple & personal

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